Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSEQ) & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Incentra is committed to deliver quality products and services that meet or exceed our members’ expectations. We shall do business with quality suppliers.
Our suppliers are required to document an acceptable HSEQ and CSR standard. Incentra shall be compliant with ISO 9001 2015 and strive for continual improvement. Incentra shall through collaborating with suppliers and members strive for sustainable purchasing & logistics, reduced environmental impact, sustainable innovation, and a healthy and safe working environment throughout the value chain.
Incentra´s suppliers must comply with Incentra’s quality standards within health, safety, environment and the Supplier Code of Conduct

Prequalification & audit
Incentra performs prequalification and audits of all suppliers to secure that these quality standards are met.
The prequalification and audit objectives are:
· To verify degree of compliance with the agreement between the supplier and Incentra
· Status of compliance with Incentra's HSE, Quality and CSR requirements
· To contribute to quality improvement for mutual benefit for supplier and Incentra members
· To improve future operation and cooperation
Supplier Evaluation
Every year Incentra requests members to participate in the supplier evaluation. This evaluation covers 10 evaluation criterias related to operation of the framework agreement. The results are compiled into a report that is shared with the member companies. The supplier will receive their individual report.
The objectives for this evaluation are to ensure:
· Incentra suppliers are measured and informed on their performance and progress
· Ability to focus on possible problem areas
· Incentra members active participation in the interaction with suppliers
· Incentra agreements with approved, high quality suppliers

Supplier Code of Conduct
Incentra SA strives to conduct business in a responsible manner, based on the duty to respect human rights, labor rights, protect health, safety and the environment, prevent corruption and in general, apply sound business practices. In order to make Incentra’s position clear to our supplier , we have set up a Supplier Code of Conduct. The CoC is based on the United Nations Global Compact’s principles, to which Incentra is committed. The CoC is signed in the contract with all suppliers. Compliance with the Incentra Supplier CoC is checked and verified through the prequalification and audit process.